Holistic cleaning

Affected in my entire body, I urged for a non-existent holistic approach by doctors and therapists. My ultimate goal is to feel healthy again and live my life with purpose and fulfillment. I am happy with the person I grew into while being ill.

The defination of health accordingly to the World Health Organization:

Health is a state of complete physical, mental or social well-being and not merely the absence disease or infirmity.

During Long Covid, my sleeping and resting periods doubled. I learned that balancing activities was not possible anymore, and I had to let go of my habits and routines. In the first stages of my illness, I was fighting my limitations; not being believed was in disadvantage to my healing. Nevertheless, I stayed focused on my M.E.D.S. (Meditation, Exercise, Diet, Sleep).

To ease my mind, I started to meditate more often. I tried many different forms of meditation, and despite my brain fog and mental problems, I trained my focus. Step by step, I became more aware of my consciousness. Sometimes remarkable things came to mind during my meditations, solutions for problems and creative ideas. I also became better at using my imagination and learned to switch between brainwave states.

To remember ideas and thoughts, I started journaling them. I already kept a journal to write down all my daily chores, appointments, notes that need to be remembered, diet, and exercise to get a grip on my everyday life again.
Now I have several journals to journal what I accomplish in my household in a day. Instead of creating a grip to plan, I keep a journal to ensure I get certain things done regularly. My journals have become my external brain.

Exercise before Covid enhanced boxing, running, mountain biking, HIIT, swimming, and body pump. At least three times a week. I cried all the tears I had when sports weren’t possible anymore. Exercise became a daily two kilometers walk, divided into pieces and training my brain in different ways. Occupational therapy was a starting point for me to cope with my decreased energy and to make adjustments in life to meet my basic daily needs, besides the conversations I had with my psychological practice supporter where I could tell my story. She often complimented me on how I handled this new situation.
Massage and foot reflex zone therapy helped me with general relaxation; and to relieve symptoms and pain, mostly in my stomach, lungs, and head. It helped decrease pain and stress.

In April 2022, I did my first Cleanse from Medical Medium, which was physical and mental torture for me. For days I cried; I felt frozen to the bone, with a head almost exploding, fever, and pain in my tummy.
It felt like I was getting sober from Long Covid like you see people going into rehab for drug addiction in movies. I was so sick that I barely made it to the kitchen to prepare my meals, yet I pushed through.
In June 2022, the same Cleanse was less impactful, and I could better prepare the meals. After this Cleanse, I continued eating Vegan, gluten-free, and sugar-free after hearing a story of a woman who healed from Long Covid after a three-month diet.
Cleansing in September/ October 2022 made me ill again, with an unbearable headache, muscle pain, pain in my tummy and gut, blurred vision, increased tinnitus, decreased taste and smell, and sleeping all day during the first three days. What a depressing setback! And I still keep traveling my rocky road, maintaining this strict diet supplemented with vitamins!

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